Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day Two - What a day....

Yesterday was a disaster, but we weren't going to let some mechanical setbacks keep us from going on our adventure. So, bright and early Jack and I picked up the engine #3 from Gene Bunce. And yes, Gene assured us there was an oil pump in the engine! Back at Jack's garage we had the engine back in the Model A in two hours (we removed engine #2 late last night). We hit the starter and it fired right up, BUT there was a not so good sound from the radiator. Huh! It seems the fan (six blade plastic) was just rubbing the radiator. No damage done to the radiator but what was up with that? We solved the problem by moving the bottom of the radiator forward slightly. That actually took up more time than we expected. I fired up the engine again and it sounded very nice and was running smoothly.
After finishing putting the car back together it was time for a road test. That turned out very well, the engine performed just fine. I should mention the the engine from Gene had about 2500 miles on it. It was an inserted, balanced engine that had a valve keeper let go. The engine was sent to a local rebuilding shop that fixed the problem and was not used since. With that mileage, I didn't have to worry about a slow break-in period.

The forty mile test drive was deemed a success so Jack insisted on loading the "A" on a trailer and hauling Nan & I to NY so we would be able to catch up faster to Dick & Barbara who enjoyed the day by driving along Lake Ontario to the Buffalo area where they would wait for us to join them. Nan and I were happy to have Jack & Jo join us even if it was only for short part of our journey.

Words alone cannot begin to thank all our Model A friends that helped to get us back on the road again. Thank you to you all.

We can't wait to get back in line with the O'Brien's little woody wagon.


  1. Glad that the 2nd engine is running fine. It was good to see you and mom today . Everything is back on track now and we wish you safe travels. We will look forward to our webcam chats with you. Miss you already.

    See you in six weeks!! :)
    Love you!!!

  2. I took a ride to Jack and Jo's well equipped shop on Saturday afternoon. My Model A repair skills are pretty weak so the best help I could give was to stay out of the way and offer a little moral support.

    If you are like me and not a member of the Minuteman Club, you should know that the assistance and compassion given to Doug and Nan really was amazing stuff.

    Everyone involved in the effort to get them rolling again should feel great about their good work.

    Happy Motoring.

  3. So happy you are finally back on the road again, worth all the work, and I hope we don't get a call til you are home again safely. Happy Model A-ing all the way. Have a great trip. Harold (and Sally)

  4. Very early this morning (Sunday 7/18/10) I took the woody down to the Codman House show in Lincoln, MA. I got there at 8:15 AM and there were already many early arrival on the field. In short order Dick and Nancy showed up and then Tom Z. arrived in his Deluxe Phaeton. Why am I telling you all of this? Well, by about 10 AM Jack and Jo showed up in the AA truck after dropping you off in Utica, NY and getting home at 3 AM!!!! With them came George and Debbie and Rick G.

    Many Minutemen at another gret Codman show. Boy, I really like this blogging on your blog...

  5. "Ships in harbors are safe, but that is not what ships were meant for."

    Bon voyage, my friends, once again. It was great to see your smiling faces, and to hear you laughing yesterday. May your good spirits continue as your little Model A takes you there and back again.
